April 10, 2023
One of my favorite clothing stores is called, Snake Oil Provisions, and is located in the Baldwin Park area of Los Angeles. While the owners, Ben, and Miranda sell some of the finest heritage clothing and raw denim in the world, it’s not their selection of products that keeps me coming back. What makes me a loyal customer is the CARE that they show me when I visit. They make me feel warm and welcome like I’m an old friend. They call me by name, they ask me about my family, and they send me handwritten notes, they CARE more about the relationship than the sale. I’ve found other stores that have better prices, but you know what? The CARE they show will always make them my first choice.
The difference between being a TRANSACTIONAL leader and a TRANSFORMATIONAL leader is CARE. So many leaders make the mistake of focusing on what they can get from their team instead of focusing on what they can get to their team. And we’ve all heard that famous saying, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” If you want to be a transformational leader, one that truly influences your team for the better, it starts with CARE.
"People are our proper occupation. Our job is to do them good and put up with them."
— Marcus Aurelias
"And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:"
— Jesus (Matthew 20:27 KJV)
Leaders who show CARE see things through the filters of empathy, kindness, and service.
In August of 2010, Emmitt Smith, one of the greatest running backs in history was inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio. During his speech and fighting through tears, he took a couple of minutes to recognize Daryl Johnston. Daryl was the quiet fullback who did most of the blocking for Emmitt during their years on the Dallas Cowboys. This is a role on the team that doesn’t get a lot of recognition but is vitally important if you hope to have a good running game. If you have a free minute, I encourage you to watch the speech on YouTube. Emmitt says this about his friend:
“Daryl Johnston, where are you? Will you please stand? You mean the world to me (tearing up) not just because we shared the same backfield but because you sacrificed so much for me. People don’t understand what it took to be a fullback in our system, the sacrifices you made not simply with your body, but your whole spirit. You took CARE of me as though you were taking CARE of your little brother. Without you, without you, I know today would not have been possible. I love you Daryl from the bottom of my heart.”
Did you notice that word CARE again? It was Daryl’s CARE of Emmitt that made the impact in that relationship and will make the impact in your relationships.
Here are a few ways you can show CARE to your team:
- Make time for them.
- Listen to them.
- Recognize them.
- Serve them.
- Bring out the best in them.
Question for Growth: Evaluate yourself — What kind of leader are you? Transformational or transactional?
Book Recommendation:
25 Ways to Win with People - How to Make Others Feel Like a Million Bucks by John Maxwell

God is for You,
Pastor Blunt
COTR Marketplace Ministries is a ministry for those in the marketplace and those interested in starting a business. Lifelong learners, entrepreneurs, and business owners meet to grow in their leadership and skills. This is a great place to network, build relationships and exchange ideas!
Join us on Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 5pm in the main campus lobby. We will have guest speaker, Jason Selk, Director of Mental Training for the St. Louis Cardinals! In addition to working with world-class athletes, Dr. Selk helps business leaders, executives, and top sales people develop mental toughness, increase confidence and focus!
Starting with this dinner, we have added a Marketplace Connection opportunity. This is a unique avenue to share your business through displaying your product(s) or service(s). For $60 you can reserve a table where you will be able to tell others about the services you provide and sell those services and/or products. We will open this 45 minutes before and 30 minutes after the Marketplace dinner to display your business.
Dinner and childcare are included in the price of your ticket. Purchase your tickets online for just $12 or $15 at the door.