Weekly Leadership Lifter

July 27, 2023

When interviewing for a new job, you might get asked the question, “Could you tell me about a time you made a mistake and how you responded?” Admitting your mistakes shows that you are a lifelong learner and open to feedback. Employers want to hire individuals that learn from their mistakes, take full accountability, and put processes in place that will help eliminate the same mishaps in the future.

With the expansion of social media, “helicopter parenting”, entitlement culture, and our own inherent trait of selfishness, many are finding it harder and harder to admit when they are wrong. Another misconception several leaders have is that if they don’t have all the answers all the time, they are weak. They think that when they admit they got it wrong, they are a failure and their team will lose respect for them. 

In fact, the opposite is true. When you and I take accountability for our mistake, it builds trust. Ken Blanchard says, “When your team sees you own up to your behavior, they see a leader who is genuine, honest, and authentic. They see a leader who is able to set aside their ego for the betterment of the team.” 

Leaders who operate in this manner are modeling “intellectual humility.” A Forbes article from Dr. Tracy Bowers defines “intellectual humility” as being sincere, honest, unselfish and thoughtful. It is a set of characteristics having to do with openness, being curious, self-aware and oriented toward continuous learning.

"Pride must die in you, or nothing of heaven can live in you."
— Andrew Murray

"He (God) mocks the proud, but shows favor to the humble..."
— Proverbs 3:34

Whenever someone comes on our team here at church, we have them read the book “Humility” by Andrew Murray. We understand that in order to be a truly effective leader within our culture, you must be open to change, correction, and feedback.

Humble leaders are effective leaders. Research by the University of Buffalo found leaders are viewed more positively when they admit mistakes, have a willingness to learn—all of which are characteristics of humility and humble leadership. Another study by Ohio State University found that leaders who were humble had teams that shared information more effectively and exhibited more creativity.   

Ken Blanchard says that when we admit our mistakes, it exhibits humility and servant leadership as well as being an excellent learning opportunity for your team. Here are some of his suggestions to follow when admitting your mistakes (from his book “Simple Truths of Leadership”): 

  1. Be Prompt. Address the mistake as soon as possible. Delay can make it appear you’re trying to avoid or cover up the issue. 
  2. Accept Responsibility. Own your behavior and any damage it caused. 
  3. Highlight the learning. Let your team know what you’ve learned and what you’ll do differently next time. 
  4. Be Brief. Don’t over apologize or beat yourself up. Mistakes happen.

Recommended Book:
Humility by Andrew Murray


If this Leadership Lifter has blessed you, please share with a friend! 

God is for You!
Pastor Blunt


Subscribe now for our weekly David M. Blunt Leadership Podcast on YouTube with new episodes every Monday at 7pm! This week Pastor shares how to deal with disappointment!

COTR Marketplace Ministry is a ministry for those in the marketplace and those interested in starting a business. Lifelong learners, entrepreneurs, and business owners meet to grow in their leadership and skills. This is a great place to network, build relationships and exchange ideas!

We invite you to join us on Saturday, August 19, at 4:15pm in the main campus lobby for an extraordinary gathering of like-minded individuals. Whether you're a lifelong learner, seasoned entrepreneur, aspiring businessperson, or simply interested in starting your own venture, this event is tailor-made for you!

Prepare to be captivated as we welcome esteemed guest speaker, Dan Gable. As one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, a two-time NCAA Division 1 national champion, and an Olympic gold medalist, his wisdom and achievements will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on both your personal and business life.

If you would like to showcase your business services or products, we have a unique opportunity to set up display tables at the event. For $60 you can reserve a table where you will be able to tell others about the services you provide and sell those services and/or products. We will open this 45 minutes before and 30 minutes after the Marketplace dinner to display your business.

Dinner and childcare are included in the price of your ticket. Purchase your tickets online for just $15 or $20 at the door.